WWW Wednesday (23/12/20)

Hello everyone and look at that, it's another Wednesday!! It's also the day before the day before Christmas. I always miss family and friends this time of year; however, at the moment, two things I am missing are snow and eggnog. Barring a Home Alone style miracle, and it snows today and tomorrow, we will... Continue Reading →

WWW Wednesday (16/12/20)

Hello everyone! We are one step closer to a new year and one step closer to the possibility of a less crazy year than 2020. With that in mind, grab a cup of hot cocoa and get ready for another week of WWW Wednesday in the Haven (which is bedecked with sparkly lights, fake snow... Continue Reading →

WWW Wednesday (09/12/20)

Hello everyone! Here we are....almost 11 months since my last WWW Wednesday. To point out the obvious, what a year! What a crazy, tough year for all of us. This post was suppose to happen last week. However Thursday came too quickly and telling you all what I've been reading a day late just didn't... Continue Reading →

Orange Crushed

Hello everyone! I hope you are doing well and had terrific weekends. It has been a hot minute since I last posted a message in the Haven, but here we are again! To be honest, with everything that has been going on in the world, I struggled to find a topic that didn't come across... Continue Reading →

WWW Wednesday (15/01/20)

Hello everyone! I hope you all are doing great! And Sweet Christmas we are already halfway through the first month of 2020! It's been awhile since I posted anything in the Haven. I would like to say it has been due to ice blockages that have prevent any communications from entering, or leaving, port. But... Continue Reading →

WWW Wednesday (06/11/19)

Hello everyone! I hope you all are doing great! The cold has settled here. Frost coats the rooftops. And the emergency rooms are filled with folks with sprained and broken limbs. Yes...winter is coming. The end of an era is on the horizon. A new chapter follows on its heels. (He writes without specificity). But... Continue Reading →

Book Review: Still Life by Louise Penny

Hello everyone! I hope that you all had great weekends! Mine was pretty low-keyed but I have begun my own sourdough starter. I'm using the method from Paul Allen and David McGuiness's wonderful Bourke Street Bakery. I have high hopes for some tasty bread around Christmas time! But that's not why we are here. Today, I am... Continue Reading →

WWW Wednesday (16/10/19)

Hello everyone! I hope that you're all doing great! After a debilitating head cold, I am on the right side of healthy and the MC5 have been nominated for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. So I have few complaints at the moment. 🙂 So let's Kick out the Jams and dive into another... Continue Reading →

WWW Wednesday (02/10/19)

Hello everyone! This week has gone by very quickly and it is hard to imagine were at the midpoint of the first week of October already. I've been knee deep in acronyms so this is a nice reprieve. Wait? What is this? You, my always astute reader might ask. Why it's WWW Wednesday of course!... Continue Reading →

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