Road Trip

Hi there! Just wanted to post a quick message to say that I am off on a road trip for a few days.  Consequently, the next thrilling chapter of the The Griffon will be posted on Friday and not the usual Thursday.   Cheers! Kev

The Griffon, Chapter 9

The code inside the virus program had, I hate to admit, a certain amount of elegance to it. It was by no means a masterpiece but whoever had written it knew what they were doing. While I took my time scanning through the file, I thought it best that we keep an eye on Haynesworth’s... Continue Reading →

The Griffon, Chapter 8

I had roughly thirty hours to solve this case and no solid clue as to where to begin. The obvious place to start looking for a digital trail to follow was Elias Haynesworth’s email account. However, I figured that whoever was behind this would be expecting someone like me to begin my search there and... Continue Reading →

The Griffon, Chapter 7

Outside, on the sidewalk, I realized that I was starving and that I’d be useless as a detective until I ate something. I wasn’t overly familiar with this part of Research District 2, so I turned left and started walking toward the university, where I had a slightly dated recollection of what was what from... Continue Reading →

The Griffon, Chapter 6

The more we talked about the production history of that sweet ride downstairs, the more excited I felt myself getting. I took a sip of coffee and tried to wrangle in my emotions. I needed to be interested but indifferent if I was going to close this deal. “You said that there were ten made.”... Continue Reading →

The Griffon, Chapter 5

Discovery of a new planet with a new species. Their subsequent elimination. It was a lot to take in at this time of day. I began to wish in earnest that the cup of coffee in front of me was a Bloody Mary, or at the very least that it had a slug of whisky... Continue Reading →

The Griffon, Chapter 4

The footage that I was now watching with Haynesworth appeared to be some sort of stock recording of what looked to be the lifeless corpse of a type of primate that I had never seen before. The creature was bipedal and lightly covered with a soft, green mossy fur. From its right shoulder there was... Continue Reading →

The Griffon, Chapter 3

Elias Haynesworth led me up to his office on the top floor of the three-storey building. On our way there we passed another assistant, this one was definitely human and I’m guessing that she was his private secretary. I didn’t catch her name but she wasn’t too hard on the eyes. Before I had a... Continue Reading →

The Griffon, Chapter 2

The commute by subway from the district in which my office is located – the Commercial District – to Nash Automotive Works’ Martian HQ in Research District 2 took almost 45 minutes. A taxi, or a car, would have been quicker but I didn’t feel like shelling out for a cab and I don’t own... Continue Reading →

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